Study Timelines

The amount of time needed to prepare for the CRC® exam will vary depending upon your background and experience.  If you are using InFRE study guides, in general, plan on spending between 15 to 25 hours of study for each of the first four study guides and 5-8 hours for CRC® five. Click here for both a three-month and a six-month recommended exam preparation study timeline associated with your study guides.
CRC® Study Guide Elearning Review Sessions

The following are links to recorded PowerPoint review sessions given by varied retirement professionals. Sessions are between 5-60 minutes in length.
These presentations are not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial on the information included in the CRC® Examination, nor should they replace your individual study efforts, which is the most effective preparation.


Click on the CRC® course book cover below to go to the course review sessions page.


Note: InFRE is currently converting to a new platform for delivering the elearning review sessions and the current review sessions do not reflect updated rules and regulations related to the SECURE 2.0 Act. Please refer to the CRC® Study Guide Supplement in the Retirement Plan Limits and Thresholds below for relevant SECURE Act 2.0 information which you may be tested on.

Practice Questions for the CRC® Certification Examination
The four-hour, 200-question multiple-choice CRC® Examination covers the domains of practice and knowledge required to perform tasks listed in the CRC® Test Specifications and should be well understood before taking the exam.  To help you prepare for the CRC® exam, take the practice question quizzes below related to each of the five CRC® study guides.   These practice questions are not intended to be a comprehensive tutorial on the information included in the CRC® Examination, nor should they replace your individual study efforts, which is the most effective preparation.   To take the practice question quizzes, click on the individual links below to launch the quiz window. Quizzes can be taken multiple times for additional practice.

Retirement Plan Limits and Tips for taking the exam

Click here for the Retirement Plan Limits and Thresholds updates

Click here to review tips for taking a multiple choice exam.
If you purchased your CRC® study guides prior to February 15, 2024, refer to the CRC® Study Guide Supplement in the Retirement Plan Limits and Thresholds for relevant SECURE Act 2.0 information not included in your study guides which you may be tested on.