Why Choose a CRC® Professional?
You can’t plan for tomorrow with yesterday’s information
78 million Boomers will retire over the next 18 years – more than 10,000 Americans every day! Fortunately, InFRE’s NCCA accredited Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) certification prepares professionals to help you be ready for this phase of life and have enough money to last a lifetime.
“As one of the leading financial planning university programs in the country, we encourage students to earn the CRC® because it provides in-depth and focused content in all aspects of retirement.”
John Salter, Ph.D., CFP®, AIFA®, Director, Division of Personal Financial Planning at Texas Tech University.

What does accreditation of a financial certification mean, and is it important to you as a consumer?
“Not all certifications are created equally,” says Kevin Seibert, CFP®, CEBS, CRC®, Managing Director at InFRE.
As of September 1, 2009, the CRC® officially met the certification accreditation standards of the National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The rigorous, independent NCCA standards are designed to help ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Of over 100 financial designations, the CRC® is one of only a few retirement and financial planning-related certifications independently accredited by the NCCA. Certification accreditation requires that the program itself be vetted to meet the highest standards regarding governance, responsibility to stakeholders, exam process, and recertification – an important difference from designations being offered by Colleges that are accredited.
Some states already require a certification attain accreditation before an advisor can use it to represent their expertise with clients. If an advisor is not a CRC®, does he or she maintain an accredited professional certification that requires adherence to a code of ethics and continuing education?
You’ll see a lot in a CRC®
Anyone looking for a retirement counselor or advisor wants someone who inspires real confidence. An InFRE Certified Retirement Counselor®:
- Can comprehend what today’s complex retirement plans and laws mean to you
- Can identify appropriate retirement income strategies for your situation
- Commits to high ethical standards and continuing education
So if you’re wondering…
- If you’ve saved enough and invested wisely
- If you will be able to live the way you want
- When you can – or should – retire
- If you should start Social Security when you retire, or later
- How you will pay for health care
- If your money will last
You won’t have to wonder who has the answers you need. A Certified Retirement Counselor® can provide guidance you can count on. Look for a CRC® here.
InFRE is looking ahead so no one is left behind
You’ve probably heard it hundreds of times: an entire generation of workers is on the verge of retiring in the United States. For many, health and long-term care funding for different phase of retirement is unknown. Meanwhile, people are living longer than ever before. Social Security and Medicare are facing fundamental changes. And many employers have shifted responsibility for retirement income to the employee. It’s no wonder America will be facing a “retirement crisis” in the near future. People need help deciding when to retire and how to make their money last. Just as important, they need a plan to help them stay engaged for a healthier, happier, more productive retirement.
The International Foundation for Retirement Education (InFRE) was founded in 1997 to address this tremendous challenge. It exists solely to help retirement professionals increase the retirement preparedness of the American worker. With InFRE, professionals have access to quality education and tools so they can assist employees and clients with retirement preparedness. This way, everyone can face a more secure future.
Who is behind InFRE?
The Texas Tech University Center for Financial Responsibility, recognized as a national leader in financial planning education and resources.
The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (www.NAGDCA.org), a professional organization made up of deferred compensation plan/defined contribution plan administrators from 50 states and over 100 local government entities, as well as private industry plan providers.
The National Pension Education Association (www.NPEA.com) which educates state and local government retirement system professionals and encourages the ongoing exchange of information, ideas, goals and objectives of retirement planning and communication with members.