For CRC® Certificants
The Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) certification is a retirement specific certification program that demonstrates a mastery of subject matter, a commitment to the retirement planning profession, adherence to a code of ethics and ongoing continuing education. CRC® certification carries an obligation of continuing education to help Certificants maintain a current understanding of relevant retirement planning topics and compliance with ethical requirements. An annual continuing education requirement assures a Certificant’s commitment to lifelong learning and is important for professionals working in a dynamic industry with a constantly changing legislative, tax and resources environment. The continuing education requirements are appropriate for active CRC® Certificants as evidenced in the most recent CRC® Practice Analysis study but should not be interpreted that a Certificant has a particular level of competence or skill.
CRC® Certificant Renewal Requirements
To maintain active status, CRC® Certificants must complete the following requirements annually:
- Report 15 hours of continuing education (CE) credits. At least two hours of ethics CE must be submitted every two years.
- Submit a signed Certificate Holder’s Statement (CHS) agreeing to adhere to InFRE’s professional Code of Ethics.
- Pay a renewal fee of $150.
Update Your Contact Information
All renewal notices and reminders are sent via email only. If you change employers, address, phone numbers or email address, it is important that you update your profile online or let InFRE know as soon as possible in order to continue to receive annual recertification communications.
New address, email or phone? Keep your profile up to date.

Use CRC® Certification promotional resources to show your clients and plan participants the benefit of working with a Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) professional.

Client Brochures
Order full color tri-fold client brochures and place them on your desk or use them in mailings.

Matted Frame
Order a professional looking gold embossed matted frame for your CRC® certificate. Several frame and mat options available.

CRC® Certificate
Order a duplicate/replacement CRC® certificate printed in color on high quality card stock with a gold foil border. Decorative certificate jacket included.

Principles of Conduct
Frame and hang the CRC® Principles of Conduct in your office to show the professional conduct you adhere to as a CRC® Certificant.

Press Release
Use the new certificant press release to promote your recent achievement of becoming CRC® certified.
CRC® Certification is Now a Stepping-Stone to Becoming a CFP® Professional

Certification Activity and Certificants
- For a summary of certification activity reporting; see the current activity report.
- To see if an individual is currently certified; search for a Certified Retirement Counselor.