InFRE relies on the expertise of active CRC® Certificant volunteers to help us maintain a highly credible CRC® program and to meet ongoing National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accreditation requirements. Please consider submitting a volunteer application and indicate your interest in serving on one or more CRC® committees. All committees meet via teleconference and no travel or in-person meetings are required. As a token of our appreciation for volunteering your time, several of the committee assignments will allow you to earn CRC® continuing education credit. Brief descriptions and responsibilities of the various CRC® program volunteer committees are below.
CRC® Board of Standards and Policy Development – The CRC® Board of Standards and Policy Development (BOS) purpose is to establish the governing rules and regulations related to the Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) certification program, make determinations regarding eligibility and all essential certification decisions, and provide mediation and interpretations for the program. The BOS meets via teleconference on a quarterly basis and as needed. A BOS term is for three years and members receive a waiver on their annual CRC® renewal fees during their term. Note: CRC® Certificants typically serve on one or more of the other CRC® committees before being invited to be a member of the BOS.
CRC® Practice Analysis Committee – To develop exams that reflect the current practice of retirement planning, InFRE, along with the CRC® Practice Analysis Committee, periodically conducts a retirement profession practice analysis by reviewing the typical tasks performed by retirement counselors. The resulting CRC® Test Specifications become the blueprint for constructing the CRC® examination. InFRE’s testing agency facilitates all committee meetings and related activities using psychometrically sound methodologies. Generally, the practice analysis study is conducted once every five years. CRC® Practice Analysis Committee members receive 10 hours of CRC® continuing education credit and a waiver on the annual CRC® renewal fees for two years.
CRC® Item Writing Committee – Exam developers refer to exam questions as items. To ensure the CRC® examination is continually kept up-to-date and relevant, item writing is one of our ongoing processes. Members of the CRC® Item Writing Committee are asked to write a specific number of items (typically between five and 10) in content areas that are needed. Prior to writing items, committee members participate in an item writing workshop that orients them to the item writing process and ensures they are trained on how to write effective items. CRC® Item Writing Committee members receive ½ hour of CRC® continuing education credit for each item submitted.
CRC® Item Review Committee – Each item submitted by the CRC® Item Writing Committee is reviewed by InFRE’s testing agency to ensure it meets best practice construction guidelines. Items are then reviewed by CRC® Item Review Committee members for content accuracy and clarity under the guidance of testing agency staff. CRC® Item Review Committee members receive two hours of CRC® continuing education credit.
CRC® Exam Committee – InFRE directs our testing agency to periodically construct and assemble a new test form for the CRC® examination. The draft form is then reviewed by the CRC® Exam Committee during an exam construction meeting. During the meeting, committee members review the items/exam questions according to pre-established guidelines and approve the content of the examination before it is finalized. CRC® Exam Review Committee members receive six hours of CRC® continuing education credit.
CRC® Standard Setting Committee – A standard setting study/pass point is conducted for the first CRC® examination administered following a new practice analysis to ensure that pass/fail decisions are based on sound psychometric practice. The study must be conducted by a panel of retirement planning subject matter experts (CRC® Standard Setting Committee) who serve as judges and work under the guidance of InFRE’s testing agency to determine an appropriate pass point for the CRC® examination. CRC® Standard Setting Committee members receive 4 hours of CRC® continuing education credit.
CRC® Appeals Committee – The Appeals Committee considers and makes determinations on appeals made by candidates or certificants. Appeals Committee members cannot simultaneously serve on the BOS or any of the CRC® examination related committees.
Instructions for Sending your Volunteer Application
After opening the volunteer application, save it to your desktop. Provide the information requested and answer all the questions as best as you can. Please indicate all the CRC® committees for which you may have an interest in serving on as a member. When complete, send your application and any attachments to ksmith@infre.org.
All information submitted in the application will remain confidential. An InFRE representative will follow-up with you within 10 business days to discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities. If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, contact Kevin Seibert at 847-756-7350 ext. 132.