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Managing Your Retirement Income Workshop First Year Licensing Fee

Managing Your Retirement Income Workshop First Year Licensing Fee
Product Details

This 60 minute workshop is a highly-relevant and practical educational marketing workshop for clients and prospects who want to know, When and how should I take income from my retirement savings? With longer life expectancies, rising health care costs, and fluctuating retirement savings values, generating a continuous income stream is an increasingly difficult challenge for all but the most well-prepared. Clients need to understand the challenges they will face before they retire in order to make informed decisions about when to retire and how to take distributions from their pension, defined contribution plans, IRAs and other personal retirement savings.

Likewise, retirement advisors and counselors need an objective educational marketing workshop that teaches pre-retirees what they need to know to make a successful transition to retirement and manage their income so that they can productively and suitably help clients and prospects experience a retirement as beneficial and personally rewarding as they had hoped.

This unique workshop includes a scripted PowerPoint presentation, a recording of a workshop presentation and an evaluation form. Licensing Fees: First year licensing fee $595. Subsequent annual licensing renewal fee $195.